Quality Policies and Sustainability

  • Defining quality in the correct way
  • Quality is a way of life.
  • It is our duty, collectively.
  • It is our responsibility to our guests.
  • Valuing people and their development.
  • Getting every job right the first time.
  • Ensuring production complies with standards.
  • Crafting our sales approach around ""customer satisfaction"" with the motto, ""Our guests are the cornerstone of our existence"".
  • Adopting quality communication as a principle.
  • Improving continuously.
  • Knowing that every effort contributes to the "development of Türkiye" and ""provides added value to the world.""
  • Being aware of our risks, and producing solutions to them.

To be a reliable, efficient, and innovative company that adopts a guest-oriented service approach.

  • Innovative
  • Anticipate
  • Guest and Quality-Focus
  • Reliable and Honest
  • Hardworking
  • Believe in Teamwork
  • Value and Trust in People
  • Ensure that our guests are always satisfied.
  • Ensure that all our employees are solution-oriented.
  • Record and follow up on all complaints, requests, and feedback.
  • Be objective and guest-oriented.
  • Provide services based on legal requirements.
  • Be the fastest company in responding to and resolving complaints.
  • Ensure continuous improvement of product and service quality.
  • Provide safe and high-quality products to our guests. 
  • Produce according to laws and hygiene rules. 
  • Fulfill the requirements of ISO 22000 system to ensure food safety. 
  • Establish the necessary infrastructure and provide the resources for the continuous development of the system. 
  • Ensure food safety through control discipline and effective communication. 
  • Provide all our employees with the necessary training to increase food safety awareness and ensure that they adopt the food safety culture

Environmental Management Mission

Every individual and organization within society bears the responsibility for environmental protection. At "Wyndham Grand İzmir Özdilek," we strive for impeccable environmental performance by actively managing and mitigating the environmental impact of our activities and services, aligning with our environmental policy and objectives. We pursue this objective in three dimensions. The first of these is waste management, the second is legal requirements, and the third is the use of natural resources and the development of projects that provide environmental benefits. Waste management practices essentially comprise two main components. The initial component involves the separate collection of packaging waste (paper, metal, glass, plastic), its temporary storage, and subsequent recycling by licensed companies. The second part involves what we refer to as hazardous waste, which necessitates separate collection distinct from packaging waste.

This involves the separation of hazardous wastes at the source, distinct from packaging wastes, temporary storage, and their delivery, with detailed records maintained. These materials are then handed over to licensed companies for proper disposal. Uncontrolled collection of these hazardous wastes leads to air, water, and soil pollution.

Environmental Management System

"Wyndham Grand İzmir Özdilek" has implemented an environmental management system that encompasses all its units. Within this system, environmental officers assigned to each unit collaborate with experts from environmental consultancy companies licensed by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. Internal audit reports, mandated to be conducted annually by legislation, are diligently prepared on a monthly basis. The internal audit reports are assessed on a monthly basis during environmental coordination meetings held at the head office. Any system renewal or deficiency elimination is promptly addressed. During these meetings, potential changes in legislation are identified, and preemptive measures are taken before they come into effect.

"Wyndham Grand İzmir Özdilek" ensures that waste generated at every step is systematically classified and either recycled /recovered, or disposed of in compliance with relevant legislation. Through comprehensive training provided to employees in each of our units, waste management is executed with precision, achieving a zero-error approach. Throughout this process, a thorough understanding of the economics of waste management has been acquired. Substantial knowledge has been attained in the field of waste logistics.

Both "Wyndham Grand İzmir Özdilek" and its suppliers adhere to legislation following our environmental management system. All companies that we work with in the waste management area are only able to work with us after getting the necessary approvals.

Hazardous wastes identified in Article 5 and generated within our facility are appropriately stored in our designated hazardous waste storage area, adhering to regulations, and disposed of promptly.

Hazardous Wastes

Wastes classified as 15 01 10 – Packaging containing residues of hazardous substances or contaminated with hazardous substances are dispatched to a licensed recovery facility. 

Under the classification 13 02 08 – "Other engine, transmission, and lubricating oils," our waste oils undergo categorization using the ""Waste Oil Category Determination Analysis,"" facilitating the recovery process.

Lead batteries, categorized as 16 06 01, are collected separately from household waste. They are then delivered to designated collection points established by enterprises or municipalities involved in the distribution and sale of battery products.

Fluorescent lamps and other mercury-containing wastes falling under 20 01 21 are segregated from other wastes in the solid waste landfill. These materials are subsequently dispatched to a licensed recycling facility.

Oils and fats falling under the definition 20 01 26, specifically our vegetable waste oils, are systematically stored in designated drums and dispatched to a licensed recycling facility.

Discarded electrical and electronic equipment containing hazardous components, categorized as 20 01 35, is segregated from other waste in the solid waste landfill. Subsequently, it is directed to a licensed recycling facility.

  • Use energy and natural resources efficiently. 
  • Consider energy efficiency when planning and supplying products and services. 
  • Work according to the legal requirements. 
  • Improve our energy efficiency and saving awareness continuously. 
  • Increase the success of our company by continuously improving our energy efficiency. 
  • Keep in mind that energy efficiency contributes to sustainability (protecting the environment).

We aim to elevate the proportion of renewable energy sources in our energy consumption by investing in innovative and sustainable energy solutions.

  • Work in strict accordance with both local and international legislation governing energy efficiency that applies to our company. 
  • Provide all the necessary information and resources on energy consumption, improving energy awareness among all our personnel and customers to increase energy efficiency and make it sustainable. 
  • Create a systematic infrastructure that monitors energy for all our processes, comparing energy consumption among themselves and reviewing them regularly. 
  • Carry out the necessary infrastructure and facility planning as soon as possible to purify externally dependent energy resources and consumption. 
  • Continuously improve all energy-based processes.

At Wyndham Grand İzmir, we prioritize the sustainability of the products and services we provide to our guests, aligning with our slogan ""The Best Hotel in the City"" while maintaining a focus on quality. Today, much like yesterday, we assume the responsibility of preserving every shade of green and blue for future generations. As part of the global ""Wyndham Green"" program, we actively contribute to sustainable living. To this end:

We exclusively utilize 100% organic textile products from Özdilek Home Textile and Qualitasspa Sadem in our rooms and suites. Through our "Eco-Friendly Housekeeping" process, we promote the conservation of water and reduced chemical usage by avoiding unnecessary textile changes.

* We provide complimentary bicycle services to our guests, encouraging environmentally friendly travel options.

* As part of our sociocultural responsibility, we contribute to the development of children through drama workshops. Additionally, we support cultural and social initiatives in the realms of education, health, culture, and the arts through the Özdilek Education, Health, Culture, and Art Foundation.

As part of our environmental responsibility, we actively contribute to a greener world. Through a collaboration with TEMA, we have planted 100 thousand saplings to promote sustainable environmental awareness under the Özdilek Education, Health, Culture, and Art Foundation. Additionally, we are diligently working to monitor and reduce our carbon footprint. In alignment with this commitment, we exclusively employ LED products for all our lighting, enhance energy efficiency through our trigeneration system, and utilize geothermal energy for our heating system.

* Under the fair trade umbrella, we integrate local companies into our product supply network, actively contributing to regional development.

* As part of the ""Zero Waste"" initiative, we are dedicated to minimizing waste, preventing waste generation, and promoting recycling. We responsibly dispose of our waste through licensed companies and collaborate with HAYTAP to provide our food waste to our cherished friends.

* We conduct training sessions for our colleagues to support and advance our sustainability goals. Additionally, we strive to raise awareness and promote sustainability in life, beginning within our immediate environment.

For more information: https://corporate.wyndhamhotels.com/social-responsibility/

Detailed information about the Water Risk Atlas, prepared by the World Resources Institute as part of the Climate Crisis (Drought), can be accessed here.

For the homepage of the website, you can visit https://www.wri.org/.

To access information about wildlife hunting, consumption, trade, and guidelines on avoiding the purchase of illegal products and souvenirs from threatened wildlife species, you can visit https://www.iucn.org/.

Human Rights

  • Our aim is to champion Human Rights and fundamental freedoms for all employees and stakeholders. We are committed to addressing challenges like poverty, hunger, gender inequality, race, belief, climate crisis, and discrimination in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and beyond. 
  • To maintain ethical standards, we prioritize personnel selection based on technical and professional knowledge, adherence to company rules, and social compliance conditions. We are committed to preventing discrimination, harassment, and ill-treatment from the recruitment stage onward.
  • The education level of employees determines the general level of the company. Following this approach, we aim to enhance the awareness of occupational health and safety among our employees. We conduct in-house or external training sessions to support both their professional and personal development. This strategy ensures the continuous growth of the company by fostering the development of our employees through organized training programs.
  • We prioritize ensuring that our employees benefit from social security and receive full and timely wages.
  • We openly welcome the opinions of our employees. For example, their opinions are sought through a survey. 

Women's Rights

  • We actively support women's participation in the workforce and adhere to a policy of equal work and equal pay. We create an environment that enables equal access to career opportunities for everyone.
  • We advocate for women's representation in company management.
  • We strictly prohibit any form of abuse, harassment, discrimination, suppression, coercion, slander, mobbing, etc., against women in our workplace. We consistently recognize and appreciate the value women bring to both the world and our organization, actively supporting their presence and contributions.

Child Rights

We are committed to not employing child labor, and we provide training on situations that children may encounter within our organization. (HR)

  • We prioritize the continual enhancement of our occupational health and safety performance on both national and international levels.
  • Every new employee in our workplace receives OHS training, and for personnel experiencing a work accident, OHS training is reiterated. We prioritize the use of personal protective equipment.
  • We support providing the planning and carrying out our occupational health and safety system according to the sustainability principles, performance evaluation and improvement, and contribution, communication and consultation of our employees, employee representatives, and all shareholders.